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Keeping here some interesting or informative chats with AI

Instructional Art. Scores for Visual Arts


Give me a few examples, where, in painting or another fine art medium, the instructions were used like score in music, thus separating the role of composer and performer. The cases where the composer and performer were the same person are also OK.


In the realm of painting and fine art, there have been several notable instances where the concept of an “instruction” or “score” was used, akin to the distinction between composer and performer in music. This approach is particularly prevalent in conceptual and performance art, where the idea or concept behind the work often takes precedence over the physical execution.

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Philosophical Intuition


Which modern philosopher spoke at length about intuition?


Henri Bergson, a prominent modern philosopher, is well-known for his extensive discussion on intuition. Bergson, a key figure in early 20th-century philosophy, argued that intuition is a deeper form of understanding than rational thought or analytical processes. According to Bergson, intuition is a kind of immediate experience or insight that transcends intellectual concepts and is closely connected to our direct experience of time and consciousness.

Bergson’s philosophy highlights intuition as a means to grasp the continuous flow of life or “duration” (durée), which he considered as the fundamental reality. He posited that traditional scientific and analytical methods are inadequate for understanding the complexity and fluidity of life. Instead, he advocated for intuition as a method to experience and understand life’s dynamism and the essence of personal experience more fully.

His ideas on intuition were influential in various fields, including metaphysics, psychology, literature, and even influenced later existential and phenomenological philosophies.

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