This series of paintings uses fragments of broken umbrellas and iron filings mixed into the paint. Over time, the iron shards rust, changing their color and texture. This rusting, a result of the oxidation, leads to visible transformations in the paintings. Here, the time is employed as an additional material, necessary for the artwork’s unfolding.

Smashed Mosquito 2
Umbrella forest
Umbrella Tree
Smashed mosquito
The morphology of Ma
At Forest Exhibition
Smashed Mosquito 2
Umbrella forest
Umbrella Tree
Smashed mosquito
The morphology of Ma
At Forest Exhibition
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Organic textures merge with mechanical remnants, parts of shattered umbrellas, weaving a narrative canvas filled with tales of change and adaptability. Iron filings mixed into the paint imbue these pieces with a dynamic nature, evolving as rust accumulates and alters hues over time.

The skeleton of an umbrella, once a protector from the elements, is now resurrected. Intertwining with nature’s unpredictable ways and triggered by decay, it starts a process of renewal. These once-abandoned objects are recycled, gaining new purpose and meaning. Their transformation, coupled with the ongoing rusting process, symbolizes a journey beyond the stillness of a ‘finished’ piece.

Within this fusion, as nature slowly addresses the rust, and as the iron shards begin tanning, a story of endurance emerges. Both time and the objects, in their evolving roles, display a capacity for adjustment, seeking equilibrium amidst alteration. This endurance is about persisting and acknowledging new shapes and meanings arising from deterioration, continuously evolving with the deepening shades of decay.

The fragments of umbrellas, part of this new play, take roles in a broader story of change, persistence, and the perpetual fluctuation between order and disarray. This story calls for a deeper examination of the allure found in the unforeseen and invites contemplation of the myriad prospects born from the union of disparate realms, in a form of art that is ceaselessly shifting.